
Fun facts about horses that might surprise you!

Zoe Hall
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Fun facts about horses that might surprise you! Fun facts about horses that might surprise you!

1. Horses Can Sleep Standing Up

Horses have a unique ability to sleep while standing. This is thanks to a special mechanism in their legs called the "stay apparatus", which locks their joints in place, allowing them to doze without falling over. However, they do lie down for deep REM sleep.

2. Horses Have an Exceptional Memory

Horses are known for their strong memory. They can remember faces and experiences for many years. If a horse has had a positive or negative experience with a person or another horse, it can remember it for a long time.

3. A Horse's Teeth Are Its Age Indicator

A horse’s teeth can give you a pretty good idea of how old they are. As horses age, their teeth wear down and change shape, so experienced horse owners and veterinarians can estimate their age by looking at their teeth.

4. They Have Big Eyes (and a Wide Field of View)

Horses have the largest eyes of any land mammal, and they have nearly a 350-degree field of vision. This means they can see almost everything around them, except for a small blind spot directly in front of their nose and behind their head.

5. Horses Can "Talk" Through Their Ears

Horses communicate a lot through their ears. A horse’s ears can indicate mood and intent. For example, if their ears are relaxed or forward, they’re likely calm and focused. If they’re flattened against their head, it usually means the horse is annoyed, angry, or threatened.

6. Horses Can Run Shortly After Birth

Foals are born with the ability to stand and run within a few hours. This survival mechanism helps them keep up with the herd, especially when there’s a need to flee from predators.

7. They Can Hear a Wide Range of Sounds

Horses can hear sounds at higher frequencies than humans. They can detect sounds up to 14 kHz, compared to the human limit of 20 kHz. They also have an excellent sense of direction when it comes to sound, thanks to their highly mobile ears.

8. Horses Can "Smile"

Just like humans, horses can show their emotions through facial expressions. They are known to “smile” when they are happy or content, especially when interacting with their favorite humans or when being pampered.

9. Horses Have a "Herd Mentality"

Horses are prey animals, so they instinctively form close-knit groups for protection. In the wild, they rely on the herd for safety. This means they are social animals, and many horses thrive on companionship, both with other horses and humans.

10. Horses Can Be Left or Right-Handed

Like humans, horses can be left- or right-hoofed. A horse's dominant hoof is typically its leading leg, which influences how they turn and balance. This is a fun fact that can be important for trainers and riders when teaching certain movements.

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